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Vehicle Activated Signs Vehicle Advisory Leaflet

Vehicle Activated Signs Vehicle Advisory Leaflet

November 20, 2020 06:55

Vehicle Activated Signs are displays those become visible when displays observe motor vehicles are exceeding a certain speed.These electronic signs display the speed limit, however, they can also warn drivers of an approaching hazard.

VASs formed of many bright lights which only turn on when the target motor vehicle is in plain view of the sign.By adopting the latest LED and radar technology, Vehicle Activated Signs are able to give effective solutions to most traffic related safety problems using light emitting symbols. The signs designed for self-deployment to improve road safety and encourage safer driving speeds. Radar Speed Signs comes in a moveable lightweight version, these show the speed of approaching vehicles and have an option for more text such as 'THANK YOU' to those within the speed limit or 'SLOW DOWN' to approaching vehicles exceeding the set limit.

 Vehicle activated signs fitted with an automatic dimmer to cut the intensity of display at night, and offer a blank face when not in use. Vehicle activated signs may be permanent or temporary. Permanent Vehicle Activated Signs Permanent Vehicle Activated Signs are (as the name implies) signs that are in one fixed place and connected to a permanent electrical supply, (or solar/wind powered). These signs tend to larger than temporary vehicle activated signs and used to warn road users of a particular highway hazard such as a sharp bend, a hidden or busy junction, or crossroads etc.

Radar Speed Displays used as vehicle activated signs that display a flashing light emitting diode, (LED), or a flashing fiber optic message, (symbols and words) when the sign activated by an approaching vehicle. Activation of the sign occurs when the approaching vehicle exceeds the threshold setting of the sign. The message can depict a specific highway hazard, (such as a bend, junction, or crossroads etc.), or alert a motorist to the current speed limit, (the latter accompanied by a message such as ‘Slow Down’.

Features of Vehicle Activated Signs

  • The comprehensive range of sizes, functionality, and display formats.
  • Text, pictograms and warning lights in any combination.
  • Timed and/or speed activation options.
  • Low power consumption / high optical performance.
  • Powered from mains battery, solar, wind.
  • Data Logging to check/record traffic flow.

Vehicle Advisory Leaflet –

VASs developed to discuss the problem of improper speed where conventional signing has not been effective. Vehicle Advisory Leaflet describes the range of Vehicle Activated Signs and the conditions under which they should use. The purpose of this vehicle advisory leaflet is to describe the use of measures involving a range of Fiber Optic or LED Vehicle Activated Signs. VASs are one of a range of measures capable of affecting drivers speed choice over a range of circumstances. They are however an adjunct and are not an alternative to fixed signs.

Vehicle activated signs should consider only when there is an accident problem associated with improper speed that has not been satisfactorily remedied by standard signing and where safety cameras and related signs are not a cost-effective or otherwise appropriate solution.


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