Mobility Scooters are used only for the local area by some of the people. You must have to follow the same road rules that are mainly applicable to the pedestrians. These vehicles are ride on the footpath same as walking speed i.e. up to 2-3 kilometers per hour. You can easily cross the roads while riding with the use of pedestrian crossings and signals. Recently, Noel Gibbons, the Road safety Officer gave a statement that the project of mobility scooter boost the safety of people, confidence on road and additional public places, so, these are an important lifelines.
Well, the present Minister for Road Transport and Highways and Shipping, Nitin Jayram Gadkari, and our government started to take actions and organized new laws related with the safety of road. Recently, S.Ramasubramanian working for the improvement of road safety measures in Coimbatore. He gave presentations from one school to another, also colleges in Coimbatore and teaches students about driving techniques, traffic signs like mobile vms signs, radar speed sign and variable message sign, traffic rules and first aid. According to the information given by the Ministry of Road transport and Highways, the highest number of accident was done in Tamil Nadu in 2015. Government need to take strict actions regarding these persons who drive not speedy, rough.
Road safety guidelines are so effective and gave a good lesson to you all. The disabled person can ride its mobility scooter very easily according to the guidelines. Well, these guidelines are important for you all such as cyclist, pedestrian, vehicle users plus the user of mobility scooter.
- Problems Faced by Mobility Scooter Drivers:
As mobility scooter becomes the lifeline to the outside world of disabled persons. Without this it become so difficult for them to move around the world. These scooters are consistent but need maintenance. The major components of this scooter are the battery and an electric motor. Battery is used to supply power to the motor of this scooter along with the horn and lights.
- Battery:
The main problem comes due to battery if it isn’t charged. You need to charge it at regular intervals. It has no battery backup for long period. Before going anywhere, first you should charge your mobility scooter.
- Motors:
The second big issue is the motor of the mobility scooter. Its design is simple and quite rugged. Mainly, it damages when you drive it on wet area or if you can ride it through a gritty or dusty places. Actually the damage isn’t visible but dirt enters in the moving part of the vehicle which create problem.
- Tyres:
You need to replace tyres at certain time of intervals so that your vehicle doesn’t create any issue.
- Need of Safety to Mobility Scooter Drivers:
Police runs the free safety course for the users who are going to ride the mobility scooters. This is a two hour course in which there is full information regarding this vehicle. In this they taught lesson you about the safety measures and how to prevent you from the risks. With this the accident rates comes down. The traffic signs such as radar speed sign, mobile vms signs and variable message sign also helps you the same.
- Road Safety Guidelines for Mobility Scooter Drivers:
Mobility scooter mainly designed for the disabled person so they have move around their local environment like local shops. Before purchasing this vehicle, the shop owner needs to give training and give full information regarding this so that they ride safely on road. First of all, the person who never ride a vehicle on a road in fact not a bicycle, so they also need to take full information regarding this vehicle for the safety of your own.