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Features of Indoor Ticker Display

Features of Indoor Ticker Display

November 20, 2020 06:55

Most of you reading this will totally agree with me on the fact that serving in Today's world without technological aid appears to be impossible, from coffee makers to your car everything is a gift of technology has become an integral part of our lives. When we talk about technological advancement then let me tell that it has influenced all spheres of our lives, from personal to professional everything has a dash of technological equipment which has tremendously improved our efficiency, increased productivity and saved time and energy.

When it comes to some of the examples of technology then we have a very small device which has completely transformed the way information dissemination system used to work.You would have seen long strips displaying various figures on television, in offices, at retail outlets or commercial business, these are nothing but LED ticker tapes.

LED ticker tapes have emerged as a very strong mode of information broadcast and that too with high impact confusion on the customers.

Types of LED ticker tapes:

Before head to go through the types of LED ticker tapes, let me tell you that they are highly customizable products which can be manufactured in the desired shape depending on the requirement of the project.  Now coming to the types of LED ticker tapes then we have two types:

  • Indoor ticker tapes
  • Outdoor ticker tapes

Indoor Ticker Tapes – As the name indicates, the indoor ticker tapes find application within the premises; clients who want to reach out the audiences in areas, entertainment venues or want to simply create a window display prefer indoor ticker tapes. Owing to their clarity, brightness and uniformity this ticker are able to create a perfect impact.

Advantages of using indoor ticker tapes-

  • They are less expensive
  • No special waterproof cabinet is required
  • The processor of indoor tape is accessible from inside and hence, can be directly programmed.

Places of application:

  • Digital Cinema
  • Public visual information communication
  • Traffic
  • Presentation and training
  • Can easily replace indoor static signage

Outdoor ticker tapes- The outdoor ticker tapes are mostly preferred by TV channels update, newspapers and other media companies who need to continuously update the information

Application of outdoor ticker tapes:

Outdoor ticker tapes can be put to use for various purposes but when we talk about its prominent application then it is as follows:

  • News Headlines- All the news channels have long strips scrolling on their screen either at the bottom or at the top of the screen. It helps in the broadcast of news 24*7.
  • Entertainment news – Entertainment industry is also very dynamic and people age very keen to know about the changes and thus, we have the application of outdoor ticker tapes which help information dissemination.


  • They are eye-catching
  • Outdoor ticker tapes work in real-time and hence, the information is always up to date

Key features of ticker tapes:

Ticker tapes are very effective in terms of information broadcast and here are the key features which make them very popular:

  • Robust design
  • Highly energy efficient
  • Customizable product
  • High impact infusion
  • Clear visibility even from a long distance
  • Works in real-time and hence, information gets updated with minimum time lag.

Our Role:  There are many companies which are involved in the manufacturing of ticker tapes, Photonplay has emerged as a popular brand and one of the leading manufacturer and supplier of ticker tapes not only to national clients but has effectual met the demand of international client. What makes us unique is our dedicated team of engineering and developers who always deliver high-quality design and product.  We have our own manufacturing unit which ensures that all our products are of high quality and meet the client expectations. To know more about our range ticker tapes get in touch with us today.

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