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10 Ways A Radar Speed Sign Is Beneficial

10 Ways A Radar Speed Sign Is Beneficial

November 20, 2020 06:55

Speeding vehicle, road mishaps, traffic jams and poor traffic movement are some common problems faced by many people while they move on the road. However, with the development of Intelligent Road Management Systems involving the usage of modern tools like Variable Message Signs, boom barriers, radar speed signs etc. have to a great extent helped in reducing such problems.

The heavy traffics on the road have made it inexorable for the authorities to introduce such systems so that there is less chaos on the road. Radar Signs are growing in number, owing to its real-time functioning and accuracy it has become the most preferred choice by many traffic authorities.

What are radar signs?

It is a communicating device which displays the speed of the approaching vehicle. The objective of this sign is to alarm the driver about the speed of their car and intimate them in case they are over-speeding. They are used as traffic calming instrument. The radar signs are constructed on LEDs and hence the information displayed on it is visible from a good range of distance.

This device is known by many names some of which include the following:

1. Vehicle Activated Signs

2. Dynamic Speed Display

3. Speed Display Board

4. Traffic Calming Signs

5. Driver Feedback Signs etc.

10 ways Radar Speed Signs can help:

1. They can be used in areas near schools, especially when children are crossing the roads

2. They also find wide applicability in busy residential areas.

3. Many construction sites are using this to monitor different types of trucks and forklifts.

4. They are also used as traffic calming solutions

5. Radar signs can be used in places where authorities cannot put physical barriers to control traffic like snow-covered streets.

6. They are perfect solutions for high sensitivity zones like hospitals, malls, where people need to slow down their vehicle speed

7. Since it shows the approaching speed of the vehicle, it finds a great application on highways.

8. Parking areas are another place where these signs can aptly fit in this place

9. Since it has a faster response time, it efficiently helps the drivers to manage their speed on the road

10. And last but not the least, radar speed signs are way better in their looks as compared to their counterparts like speed bumps. It doesn’t affect the comfort while driving and at the same time ensures that the driver is able to drive at a speed limit.

Key Features:

The radar signs come in different variations, starting from the standard type which shows the speed limit to the special ones which have multiple features like the speed limit, slow down, your speed limit which can be programmed based on motorist speed. The manufacturers offer radar speed signs which are solar power enabled to battery enabled ones.

The crux of the matter is that these speed signs have become inexorably to ensure good and efficient traffic management as well as reduce the probability of road accidents.

 Our Role:

Photoplay is the leading manufacturer of both solar and battery operated radar signs. We have ensured that our designed radar signs are of avant-garde quality and are vandal free.

Key features of our radar signs:

1. Solar powered and battery powered version available

2. Display on and off feature which enables the device to collect the data even if it off

3. Premier Quality

4. Vandal free

5. Weather-proof

6. Designed and developed as per the guidelines of MUTDC

7. Energy efficient

We have a gamut of choices when it comes to radar speed signs. Let us know your requirement and we will deliver a product that surpasses your expectations.

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